Winston flowers delivery
Winston flowers delivery

The flowers are gorgeous and the best you may ever see. Because it is the largest floral and event co in Boston, you will see many amazing floral designs from some of the absolute best event floral designers you will ever meet. There are great things about this company and then very awful things as well. I worked for this company as a manager for many years (over 10). Fear is the underlying, unifying thread that Winston employees share, and you better believe that everyone is out for themselves. Sure, you'll find a few friendly co-workers but you can bet they're keeping a watchful eye on you.

winston flowers delivery

You may be asked to work in different retail locations outside of the studio, here and there. Winston Flowers is the only company where I was ever micromanaged and led by threat. I come to work on time with a great attitude and work well with others. As a reference, I've been a designer in NYC for 15 years and consider my floral design work meticulous.

winston flowers delivery

But Winston will make sure that you have no work-life balance to speak of. Everyone knows that working in the floral and event industry requires long hours, working holidays and weekends. Leadership will begin to question your loyalty and dedication to the company if you request your earned PTO accrual.

winston flowers delivery

Taking a lunch break is required by law, but you will be frowned upon if you do. Leadership turns a blind eye to bullying, valuing designers who have the most production speed, regardless of how they treat fellow employees. Unfortunately, employee competition, gossip and mean-girl cliques run rampant. Getting hired as a designer here is not easy- Winston Flowers is recognized as the best of the best and having them on your resume' is huge for future employment opportunities. You'll be working with top talent & the most extraordinary product. Working at Winston Flowers is a double-edged sword.

Winston flowers delivery